Balance 4 Life

Stop Smoking for Good
It’s easier than you think!
Through the power of hypnotherapy, you will be able to stop smoking in one week.

Call Now: 248-534-9000 (Anytime)

If you have tried to quit smoking and failed, do not be discouraged.  You CAN stop smoking with hypnosis, and it’s much easier than you ever thought possible. Habits can be broken just as they were created. No habit is stronger than the power of your mind, which created the habit in the first place.

Remember, hypnosis opens the door to the subconscious mind, where you can make positive changes and form healthy habits. Most people find they smoke on cue – after eating, during a phone conversation, while out with friends, or during times of stress or boredom. After discussing your particular smoking patterns, your therapist will give suggestions to your subconscious mind to eliminate smoking and exchange a bad habit for a good one.

We have Quit Smoking programs in our Sterling Heights and Farmington Hills offices in Michigan. Call Balance for Life today.  We’re ready to help!

Your first session is free when you pay in full. Schedule your first appointment today!

Smoking can be a difficult habit to stop, especially if you have been smoking for as long as you can remember. While the nicotine content in cigarettes induces addiction, it is the fear of withdrawal symptoms that ultimately provokes smokers into continuing their habit. It takes sheer force of will to overcome an addiction, and not everyone can muster the strength of character to do so.

Fortunately, there is another way to give up smoking, and Balance for Life can help by utilizing hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is a subtle method that empowers smokers to overcome their cravings and embrace the benefits of a smoke-free lifestyle.

If you feel powerless against your own smoking addiction, do not hesitate to contact Balance for Life today.  Our Quit Smoking hypnotherapist can help you effectively stop this habit through hypnotic suggestion.

How does hypnosis work?
Hypnosis is an effective process to bypass the conscious mind and communicate directly with the subconscious mind. Like a computer, the subconscious is programmed by the thoughts of our subconscious mind, promoting a state of heightened awareness and suggestibility.
How does hypnosis work?
Hypnosis is an effective process to bypass the conscious mind and communicate directly with the subconscious mind. Like a computer, the subconscious is programmed by the thoughts of our subconscious mind, promoting a state of heightened awareness and suggestibility.
How does hypnosis work?
Hypnosis is an effective process to bypass the conscious mind and communicate directly with the subconscious mind. Like a computer, the subconscious is programmed by the thoughts of our subconscious mind, promoting a state of heightened awareness and suggestibility.
The Benefits of Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is not a complete cure for smoking. It is, however, a very versatile tool in helping individuals slowly overcome their addiction. It may not be an instantaneous method of treatment, but the progression made through hypnotherapy allows patients to comfortably ease themselves into a smoke-free lifestyle. It helps that hypnotherapy involves no drugs or medicine, allowing patients to cleanly overcome their habits.

If you need an alternative and clean method to quit smoking, come visit one of our Michigan locations and inquire about our hypnotherapy services. We are more than happy to help you overcome your struggles and encourage you to live a healthier, more empowered life.

15 Years of Holistic Service

For more than a decade, Balance for Life has been providing holistic and natural options which help clients regain and achieve wellness. Through hypnotherapy, our clients have quit smoking, lost weight, controlled fear and phobias, and learned to effectively deal with stress. We also have programs that assist people on a social level, such as public speaking and business coaching sessions. Additionally, we offer pain management programs that help our clients maintain a good quality of life.

At Balance for Life, we have multiple certifications which enable us to create an individualized plan for your specific condition and utilize a wide range of tools to reach your goals. Call us today at 248-534-9000 (Anytime) or visit our Contact page to learn more about our services.